Self Protection

Programs & Procedures for Self Protection

Each 皇冠博彩 campus has its own procedures to help ensure safety and security. Consult the resources listed below for more information on the following specific topics:

  • Policies on Drug and Alcohol Use
  • Student Handbook
  • Classified Handbook
  • Campus disciplinary procedures -- Office of the Dean of Students
  • Procedures to follow if a sex offense occurs, counseling for victims of sexual assault, procedures for on-campus disciplinary action in cases of alleged sexual assault -- Office of the Dean of Students and The Office of Wellness and Mental Health
  • College crime statistics -- Campus Police

Each campus also offers a variety of programs for students seeking information on date rape prevention, sexual harassment, substance abuse, safety and security, domestic violence and common sense survival tips. 皇冠博彩 police officers are available to do presentations for any class free of charge, with one week's prior notice. While educational and career counseling and other student services are available on each campus, students needing more specialized counseling or mental health consultation may be referred to community agencies. Specific information about these programs can be obtained during normal business hours at the Counseling Offices.