皇冠博彩 All Access



Our 皇冠博彩 All Access program gives you access to all of your course materials, no need to shop around!


皇冠博彩 All Access is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for you 和 ensures you’ll have access to all your required course materials on or before the first day of class. 通过这个新项目, physical books will be conveniently packaged 和 provided to you on a rental basis, 和 digital materials will be delivered directly within Canvas. 费用将作为课程费用. 学期结束的时候, you’ll receive email reminders to return your physical course materials to the bookstore.

  • Receive all your course materials before the first day of class.
  • Save 35-50% 在 cost of course materials each term.



Upon registering for courses, you will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you've successfully selected your courses, the bookstore will start preparing your order.


开学前30天开始上课, you will receive an email to verify your order 和 select your fulfillment preference.


An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Canvas.


After enrolling in your courses, you'll have access to your 个性化课程材料页面. Upon receiving our email, please verify your selections here.


If you prefer, you can choose not to participate in the program. 

你可以选择退出皇冠博彩 All Access beginning 30 days before the beginning of your session. 如果你 参加多个会议 (e.g.1、15周的课程nd-7-week classes), your opt-out period begins 30 days before the beginning of 你最早的疗程 (e.g.(为期15周的课程).

选择退出期将于 last day to drop with a tuition refund or change to audit  (“人口普查日期”). 如果你 参加多个会议, your opt-out window ends 在 census date for 你最早的疗程.

你可以 查找每个会议的开始和人口普查日期 在 学院的 校历皇冠体育日历. Make sure you note your opt-out window each semester so you can 做出正确的决定.

在线选择退出期已经结束. 如果你只注册了晚开始的课程(如.g., 13-week or 2nd-7-week classes) 和 you want to opt out of 皇冠博彩 All Access, 检查一下 你的校园书店经理 看看你是否有资格. 你也可以发邮件 am651@bncollege.com with your school email address 和 Student ID number to determine whether you are eligible.


All 皇冠博彩 academic, for-credit courses are included in the 皇冠博彩 All Access program 除了 contracted 双录取 courses (with a “D” designator). Included 和 enrolled students can opt out of the program before their earliest census date at the link above.

费用是22美元.每学时50美元. This covers all non-consumable course materials that are required for the course.

All students will be automatically enrolled in 皇冠博彩 All Access unless their program is excluded.

该计划提供所有必需的教科书, 实验室手册, access codes 和 digital materials to eligible students.

你可以选择退出皇冠博彩 All Access 和 get your course materials as before. The opt-out period will open 30 days before the first day of class 和 close 在 census date for the session, 如上所述. (见 学院校历皇冠体育日历 具体日期).

在选择退出期间, you may opt-out 和 even opt back in if you determine that 皇冠博彩 All Access is the best fit for you.

The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned 和 reused, 比如实验室护目镜, 解剖工具, 分子模型试剂盒, 工程包或护理包.

全面访问退款遵循 皇冠博彩的退款流程(如学费)). Information is available on that page about the processing time 和 who to contact with questions.

If you change your mind about opting out of 皇冠博彩 All Access during the “opt-out window” 和 you want to opt back in, please click the “Opt-In” link included in the confirmation email you receive when you opt-out.

你必须在人口普查日期之前做出最终选择. 请参阅 学院校历 和 皇冠体育日历 有关具体普查日期.

If you determine that 皇冠博彩 All Access is not the best fit for your needs, the required materials for your course(s) can be viewed on 书店网站. Your course materials will be readily available online or in the store.

All physical materials provided through 皇冠博彩 All Access are rentals. 然而, you will have the option to purchase your textbooks at a reduced rate during the rental return period.

OER courses are included in the 皇冠博彩 All Access program. 如果你是 只有 参加OER课程 你没有材料成本,你应该选择退出这个计划. 如果你是 taking a combination of OER 和 non-OER courses, take a look at your 个性化课程材料页面 以确定您的成本节省. This will vary by semester 和 depends on your course load.

Your decision each semester is to participate in 皇冠博彩 All Access or not. 你不能选择不参加特定的课程, but you will be able to change your selection each semester, if you feel that 皇冠博彩 All Access is a better fit for you that semester.

All electronic 和 digital materials are delivered directly to your Canvas course. 您将不需要访问代码或卡片.